October 2016 update

Can’t sleep, but done some Ham Radio stuff recently so about time for a brief update.

This is a screenshot from my Raspberry Pi 2 (B) running VNC on my Android phone. This Raspberry Pi runs my Flightradar24 software using a cheap USB TV stick and my Ham Radio Digital Voice Access Point (DVAP) Dongle (70cm).

I’ve recently upgraded the Raspberry Pi (& others I have) to the new Raspbian with Pixel desktop and the G4KLX D-Star software was checked for updates which runs the DVAP mentioned above.

I’ve also setup on my iPad and Android phone is the ircDDB remote software. It makes switching reflectors so much easier than programming on the handheld.

The above screenshot was taken while connected to the International D-Star net run weekly on Monday 1am local UK time, Sunday 19:00 (CDT), Sunday 00:00 (UTC). This week I didn’t check in, but heard stations from USA, Japan and Australia.