Full Ham Exam Soon

Today I sent off the fee to the RSGB for my Full Amateur Radio Exam being held in October.

I will be taking it on the Sunday 9th October 2005 at the HF Convention in Gatwick.

I am reading the Exam book at the moment, but am looking at even a fail as positive as will understand what they are expecting.

So hopefully soon will be my final (UK) call-sign and will lay the other two call-signs to rest.

**Update** – Received E-mail today from RSGB and I have been confirmed on the Exam. Also have to remember to take my Passport and Licence to the event (and copies for them and the Logbook of the World (LOTW)).

Foundation License Here I Come

After sending numerous e-mails to Amateur Radio Clubs I have finally had 2 come back offering courses. After confirming my details to both, I have finally got a start date and amazingly it’s tomorrow.

The Whitton Amateur Radio Group is a fair distance away, but I think will be worth it as my local Radio club (The Sutton And Cheam Radio Society) cannot offer the course.

I have been swotting up by reading my Foundation Licence – Now (See Bottom of Page), and shall take to work to swot up some more.