New Years Eve

Firstly I would like to wish any readers (although I doubt there’s many), a Happy New Year. I would suggest making the News Years resolution “Not To Make Any New Years Resolutions” and I am sure you will be able to keep it.

I will be off to the Pub on New Years Eve and found out that a band called Roadhouse will be playing. Quote from Roadhouse Website:-
Wednesday December 31st, on a magical New Years Eve why not join us at The Fielder and Firkin, lower High St Sutton, near Burger King. This venue is trying very hard to put the life in Sutton, so come and show your support. Music from 9.45 till the New Year arrives.

Most of the Bands that The Fielder and Firkin get to play are petty good, so I am in no doubt I will be having a good night.

To find some good UK pubs if not in Sutton area, then check out Campaign for Real Ale web site.

And for the Morning after don’t forget the Alka-Seltzer. Live from my friend Deb in Canada is another possible hangover cure, which she claims works called a Ceasar. Enjoy!

AllAboutSymbian Journal

After seeing a post by another forum member at AllAboutSymbian, I went to the site BookCrossing to see what it was all about.

When I went to the Most travelled section, I was entigued by the EuroBookCrosser’s Diary #1 and thought I would have to get involved, and knew the easiest way was to start my own.

I chatted to the forum member who posted the original mesage and decided to set up one for AllAboutSymbian.

Well after buying the book and adding my stuff to it, is now winging it’s way (by airmail) to Finland. Once that member has added her bits, will be off to Macedonia.

As we may be having another AllAboutSymbian Pub Meet in November, it will then be sent back to me so I can take along to get some more people to fill in and then off will be taken home for another member to continue it’s journey!

England v Croatia

I am writing this down the pub (Although will probably publish to my Blog later). A few of us went down as England and Croatia are playing, although I am not keen on football. At this time England are 2-0 up. It’s been a good night but as time draws on the numbers are dwinderling.

Second AAS/Mobitopia Pub Meet

On Tuesday (12 August 2003) this week, I attended the second AAS/Mobitopia pub meet. I arrived at about 6:15(ish) and I believe I was the first there (I left just after time at the bar aournd 11:10). This was due partly to the fact I headed to The Dover Castle straight from work.

Eventully there was about 18 people from AAS & Mobitopia and what a night it was.

The guest speaker of the night was the owner of AllAboutSymbian, Rafe.

Prizes were on offer in the Raffle which there was so many prizes everyone won and got something. I got a Black Symbian T-Shirt.

Also there was discussion of Symbian devices including the soon to be released N-Gage.
I will hopefully be posting some photos to the AAS forum gallery. Keep an eye out for them

On This Day 1980: Shipyard Poles strike for their rights
Shipyard workers in Gdansk, Poland, strike in protest over the dismissal of a trade union activist

Isle of Wight (Part 2)

On the Thursday of my holiday I had a lazy morning watching TV and did not get up till gone 11 o’clock. I then watched some more TV including an old black & white film until my dad finished work at about 5:30.

We decided we would go into Shanklin for a few pints and after getting changed went to the Harry?s Bar. We were got there long when someone said that a band would be on later in the evening.

At about 9pm the band called Don’t Call Me Harry started playing and did various songs including Black On Blue and Paint It Black.

We left the pub after the last song and headed back to the caravan and ordered some food to be delivered. I had a Belly buster steak, which is a steak in pita bread with salad; chips and my dad had a Vampire burger and chips, which is a burger with Garlic Mayonnaise.

Friday started with TV again and at about 1pm we went into Shanklin to get something to eat. We had the all day breakfast which consisted of bacon, sausage, fried bread, tomatoes, eggs and baked beans, although I had mine without the eggs as I don?t eat them.

After we had our meal we went to Newport, and I couldn’t believe that Southern Vectis buses charge about £3.00 + each for the two of us to travel and in London I only pay £0.70 for any bus journey. It?s hard to think that London is not always the most expensive for some things.

Whilst shopping I got a portable mobile phone charger (takes 2 AA batteries) and 2 wine making kits (each makes 6 bottles and are medium dry flavour).

2 or 3 pints later in The Railway Medina we came back to Shanklin and my dad made a Chilli Con Carnie and as we didn?t want to wait for rice to cook, we had it with some Onion Bagels and Home-Made bread.

The evening was spent watching TV.