New Message Alert Tone

Last night I was wondering what new message alert tone to get for my Nokia 7650. I thought about it a bit then decided I wanted an animal sound.

After a bit of searching I found an Animal Sounds site, and settled eventually on a 24sec Nightingale Sound.

Already made a few heads turn!

What's been Happening?

Well it seems like as every week goes by, I post less and less to my Blog. But I will try to post more often if I can.

I have started on my next batch of Home Made Wine and tomorrow will be adding the finings and by Sunday should be ready to start bottling.

What else has been happening. Oh, I have rearranged my Computer desk as I now have a monitor stand with a pull out keyboard tray.

I am still watching Big Brother and what a twist this week having a Big Brother Africa contestant enter the house. Although I think that Gaetano’s first night was not the best it could have been calling Tania a Pig. But hopefully the housemates spirits should lift when Cameron returns later today.

I now have GPRS on my 7650 switched on. I am on Vodafone Pay as you Go tariff and found out I could get this. When they switched on I could get to work all through yesterday. So when I got home I checked out their web site and they could send me the GPRS settings which finally worked. Only thing (which I noticed fairly quickly so didn’t lose loads of credit) is you are charged more for viewing Non-Vodafone Live sites (0.73p per Kb) than Vodafone Lives sites (0.1p per Kb).

So if I am surfing the Net and may be a while will be cheaper (a lot cheaper) to use Dial-up than GPRS although a lot slower. Maybe one day the price will come down again. I can always live in hope.

Blog From Phone

I thought today I would write a post from my Nokia 7650. I am writing this away from my computers in the hope I may be inspired to blog something not computer or phone related. Here I go…

We had my nephew over for his normal weekend visit. Although I don’t spend much actual time with him, I enjoy him being here. He is getting to be a handful though. But what 4 year old child isn’t. One of his favourite things at the moment is “YORKIE” as it Not For Girls!

This weekend I have been busy sorting my room out as at the moment I sleep on a Futon bed. I originally got as was sleeping in smallest bedroom in the house. But I have for a while been in the biggest bedroom and will be getting a normal bed.

I have been sleeping on the Futon for a long time, but feel glad I will have a normal bed again. * * Sweet Dreams At Last * *

Opera and Vexed

Well today I have installed Opera on my Nokia 7650 after a few error messages, saying memory low, or not enough memory. But thanks to All About Symbian forums, I managed to install.

Have e-mailed someone at All About Symbian in regards to the Free Registration, which may arrive as early as tomorrow!

Yesterday I installed Vexed from Freepoc on my Nokia 7650. Have got to Level 30, and am stuck, but apparently everyone gets stuck there! 🙁

All About Symbian Pub Meet

Well on Monday Night, (this is first chance I have had to write about it) I went to the AAS Pub Meet. The pub was near Regent’s Park London Underground Station, and around the corner from the Chinese and Polish embassies.

The Pub itself was tucked away down an alley that you could walk past everyday, and realise there is a pub down there. I only knew as I had the help of

When I arrived in the Pub and after getting a drink, I enquired as to where the meeting was taking place, and when I walked in, I think because of my AAS avatar showing some of my face a few shouted “Gadget”. I was introduced to everyone in room, including Rafe, Jordan and Ewan from AAS.

Around about 8pm, there was about 50 people in attendance, and Oz from Siemens gave a presentation about the Siemens SX1 (series 60) mobile phone. (See Photos in my FotoBlog taken throughout the night).

Then there was a raffle with various prizes including a Siemens Mystery Prize bag (was sugar sachets from CeBit conference in Hannover, Germany). I also won a prize. I decided to choose Opera browser for my Nokia 7650. Some of the other prizes (most had gone my time I had won) included Symbian Books, A Jacket, T-Shirts, Mints, and various software including, RMR software, a Golf Game, as well as Opera.

Rest of the night was spent taken the photos mentioned above and mingling with everyone there!

Was there till after Last Orders, then made back to station before the last trains ran, although nearly got lost at Elephant and Castle, as went wrong way.

But All In All A Great Evening!