Welcome WØTZO

Well it’s been hard not to mention too many places, but in December at Martin Lynch during their Hog Roast event, I took 2 USA Ham Radio tests. The Technician and General exams.

I passed the Technician (31/35), but failed the General (19/35). Not surprising as I didn’t study for the General exam. Should have used our new site www.hamtests.net (although site wasn’t finished at the time).

Anyway, yesterday I was granted my vanity requested callsign.

I am now (when I visit the USA) WØTZO.

I must thank Adam, WY4N who suggested the callsign and also warned me when I mucked up the application for the vanity call.

I was for about 3 weeks KJ4ISR, but was not for me.

Hoping to use the WØTZO moniker in May as I am planning to go to Dayton.

Usual new year post like every other blog

Well it’s another new year, and like other blogs, and myself at the start of a new year I feel compelled to write a post with my thoughts for 2009.

So I already have some plans for the coming year.

Firstly in the next few days I should have my new USA Technician Callsign. I will then apply for a Vanity call as I know which one I want.

I am saving some money in the form of Thomas Cook vouchers so I can hopefully get to Dayton in May. Adam WY4N has offered to pay for the hotel room (and his guests help with a small monetary donation, which is cool to me). Also need to save some spending money.

In the next few days I should be getting my newly purchased Yaesu FT-817. OK, it’s only 5w, but if at the time years ago I couldn’t have afforded the FT-897 I would have got the FT-817. I guess I have always wanted one.

Now, D-Star??? I was thinking about getting a D-Star radio, but as it’s still in it’s infancy I will leave this technology for now. Maybe later in the year I might look at this again, but for now D-Star is not for me.

Finally before I go some websites I am working on or am hosting, please check em out:-

And many more!

Have a Happy new Year, and keep reading.


Before the other 2 admins (Peter M3PHP & James MØBOV) blog about it, I am going to mention first.

We have setup a forum for all aspects of Amateur Radio at www.hamradioforum.net

It’s free to join and although only a few days old membership is growing with Amateurs from UK, USA, Scandinavia and more.

We are open to suggestion about needed sections and adding some extra features soon to improve how it works, but will mainly be a forum.

So point your browser over to the forum and get involved.

International Radio!

Well I am slightly sceptical myself, but I may have heard my first international contact from the USA.

I was scanning on the UHF frequency and the radio stopped at 433.020Mhz. The person talking was trying to see if anyone was out there, but was getting no answer so sign off with his call-sign KO6HW. He was from California USA (apparently).

When he went, I then heard someone chatting for a longer time on 433.080Mhz but I missed his call-sign as he said it to quickly, but he said he was in Adelaide. The only Adelaide I know is in Australia. So maybe the conditions were right, or they were not where they were meant to be. But as it was 2 different people, giving their call-signs, on 2 different frequencies, I am inclined to believe them.