Next Step to Learning Morse

I attended the Kempton Radio Rally on 6th April and made a few purchases including the book pictured.

The hope is that I can finally get my head around to learning “the code”.

Few ideas I have from the book already so maybe change the setup of the software I am using to the order suggested in the book.

Made a few other purchases including:-

  • 2x Patch leads
  • Yaesu power lead (for FT-897 charger)
  • Boom microphone / earphone for FT-60
  • 8Gb USB memory stick
  • Self-amalgamating tape
  • 2x Banana Plugs (1x red, 1x black)
  • 2x PL259s for RG58
  • Even more out of thin air (for friend)

iPod Nano owner

Blue iPod Nano 2nd Gen 4GbOK, I said I wouldn’t get an iPod for a long while, but have finally joined the iPod community. It’s not a new machine, but was from shop that buys & sells them second-hand.

The model I purchased was a Blue 2nd generation iPod Nano with 4Gb of storage.

I have already almost filled the unit with my stuff.

I started with Pink Floyd’s – Echoes: The Best of Pink Floyd, the some other stuff including Ministry of Sound, M-People, Mike Oldfield & Jean Michel Jarre albums.

iPod Nano ScreenTo do with Amateur Radio I added a Morse Code tuition course, but realised this would be a problem when I used the random shuffle feature. A program was soon found and the files converted to AudioBook format. This took over an hour, but now happily enjoying my morse training.

Other features have also been put to use, including my contacts, and calendar events.


GB50BSOn the weekend of 20th/21st October 2007 I helped at the JOTA (Jamboree On The Air) event for the 7th Banstead Scout Group with the callsign GB50BS (Golf Bravo Fifty Bravo Sierra) or Banstead Scouts.

We had 4 sessions (2 Saturday & 2 Sunday) for the Scouts, Cubs, Beavers & Brownies to attend. Various activities were laid on. These included VHF (2M) and HF (mainly 80M & 17M) contacts to pass greeting messages to, Morse code practice. They also built an electronic kit.

Most built a simple Badge based around a battery box with a colour changing LED & a Dove on the front. A few of the older children built slightly more complex kits.

One of the Scout Leaders also brought the pictured cake with the 50th Jota Anniversary image printed onto it. (And it was delicious!)

As I stayed overnight at the hall after a late Chinese Meal we had a HF radio change and started slowly on the HF bands in the evening. Eventually after working TM2RWC things picked up enough to have a pile up for about an hour. (At this time I don’t have the log sheet, but in time will post some highlights soon

Morse Code Software

Update:- Finally a program is available Here

Was chatting in the Mobitopia chat room earlier today and I mentioned the fact I am aiming to do and get an Amateur Radio license.

For part of the Amateur License there is a Morse Code part. What I want is a program for my phone so I can practise Morse Code.

  • Some of the features could include:-
    • Left/Right soft keys for Dots and Dashes (Dits and Dahs)
    • Alternative text input (i.e. for Txt Msgs)
    • Game mode to practice letters with increasing difficulty
    • Variable speed (XX WPM (words per minute))
    • Variable letter length (0-30secs to practise for ShortWave)
    • When in background plays pressed letters as Morse

It possible this will never get made, but I have to at least put the idea out so if anybody does see potential in this, it may get created.

Another Net

Was scanning through the UHF band (383.000-549.995Mhz) today on my Icom IC-E90 and found a busy frequency at 433.150Mhz. Amongst those chatting (not me as I cannot respond yet due to lack of licence) was some Black Cab drivers, someone from Houston, Texas visiting London (staying at the Royal Lancaster Hotel) for the New Year and a few others. Also every now and again you could also make out Morse code in the background.

I got a good reception as from were I am in South London to the gentleman from Texas is about 12+ miles and I am getting full signal strength.