DVAP Dongle & MFJ-1788X

Right to start with the MFJ-1788X (Magnetic Loop Antenna 7-22 MHz (40-15M)) has been ordered awaiting delivery. I might contact Martin Lynch & Sons to say I’ll collect from Kempton Radio Rally (West London Radio & Electronics Fair) on Sunday 10th November so not much to report yet.

Also I purchased a DVAP Dongle. I went with the 70cms model as it’s a larger band and usually quieter. Some people mentioned that it’s it illegal. Well after some reading it seems I have to tick “lock callsign” box in UK and I have to be nearby so it’s still classed as attended. Also the DVAP Dongle only transmits about 10 mW into it’s tiny antenna (see in photo with Raspberry Pi for size comparison).

I’ve had a few QSOs on it, and it’s nice to work anything waiting for my Mag Loop antenna.

Update (belated):- It was delivered after Kempton, but seeing the size of the box, I’m glad it was delivered.

Hustler 6-BTV is now Vertical

Hustler 6-BTVWith thanks to James MØBOV & Peter M3PHP my Hustler 6-BTV is now vertical as it should be, and not horizontal as it has been recently.

James helped with assembing the antenna earlier in the year, but due to a few problems was not put up then.

Peter stayed over Friday & Saturday and helped clearing the garden, pointing the antenna skyward & guying it as well

When the antenna cable was connected, we fired up the Icom IC-737 and 10m was bustling with activity.

Within a short space of time we had worked Germany, Switzerland, Scotland and Italy all on 28MHz SSB.

On Sunday and Monday the antenna also survived terrible weather that had brought down trees, and caused other problems on railways, etc.

To see some photos go to my gallery at:- gallery.m0tzo.co.uk/may2008/

Also in regards to 2m & 70cms, Peter and myself sorted the Ecoflex 15 cable so that I no longer needed the 1m patch lead to reach the radio. Someone has already mentioned I am getting out to them a lot better than normal.


Tonight after local net had finished I went up to 432MHz to work a few station in the 432MHz UKAC contests.

Operated for about 40 minutes and worked 6 stations. Not mega numbers, but I gave a few points away and as I only ran 20w and that was into a vertical I am not upset with results.

Was more to give me something to do than watch TV all evening.

QSOs = 6
Mults = 2
Longest distance = 44km
Total Score = 202 points

More info on RSGB VHF/UHF contests available at www.vhfcc.org

Plan for future:-
Buy 70cm Beam & Rotator. Install in Loft with 2m ZL Beam.

International Radio!

Well I am slightly sceptical myself, but I may have heard my first international contact from the USA.

I was scanning on the UHF frequency and the radio stopped at 433.020Mhz. The person talking was trying to see if anyone was out there, but was getting no answer so sign off with his call-sign KO6HW. He was from California USA (apparently).

When he went, I then heard someone chatting for a longer time on 433.080Mhz but I missed his call-sign as he said it to quickly, but he said he was in Adelaide. The only Adelaide I know is in Australia. So maybe the conditions were right, or they were not where they were meant to be. But as it was 2 different people, giving their call-signs, on 2 different frequencies, I am inclined to believe them.