Usual new year post like every other blog

Well it’s another new year, and like other blogs, and myself at the start of a new year I feel compelled to write a post with my thoughts for 2009.

So I already have some plans for the coming year.

Firstly in the next few days I should have my new USA Technician Callsign. I will then apply for a Vanity call as I know which one I want.

I am saving some money in the form of Thomas Cook vouchers so I can hopefully get to Dayton in May. Adam WY4N has offered to pay for the hotel room (and his guests help with a small monetary donation, which is cool to me). Also need to save some spending money.

In the next few days I should be getting my newly purchased Yaesu FT-817. OK, it’s only 5w, but if at the time years ago I couldn’t have afforded the FT-897 I would have got the FT-817. I guess I have always wanted one.

Now, D-Star??? I was thinking about getting a D-Star radio, but as it’s still in it’s infancy I will leave this technology for now. Maybe later in the year I might look at this again, but for now D-Star is not for me.

Finally before I go some websites I am working on or am hosting, please check em out:-

And many more!

Have a Happy new Year, and keep reading.

Run up to CQ WW SSB contest

With CQ WW SSB contests around the corner, I thought was about time I updated for my loyal readers.

The local club I usually op in this contest for due to a number of reasons not least a group has just got back from operating on Isle of Arran (Click Here for info). So I shall be doing the contest from my own QTH probably with my uncles old callsign.

Talking of which, about 2 weeks ago I sent a form, 2 letters (from my Granddad & myself) & a £20 cheque requesting my Uncles old UK callsign to Ofcom. He passed away in February and my family were happy for me to get the call.

So I now have G1ZQN as a callsign as well as MØTZO, 2EØTZO. M3TZO has currently lapsed, but shall attempt to get back soon. Why, because I can.

73 for now, and see you in the Test.

Full Ham Exam Soon

Today I sent off the fee to the RSGB for my Full Amateur Radio Exam being held in October.

I will be taking it on the Sunday 9th October 2005 at the HF Convention in Gatwick.

I am reading the Exam book at the moment, but am looking at even a fail as positive as will understand what they are expecting.

So hopefully soon will be my final (UK) call-sign and will lay the other two call-signs to rest.

**Update** – Received E-mail today from RSGB and I have been confirmed on the Exam. Also have to remember to take my Passport and Licence to the event (and copies for them and the Logbook of the World (LOTW)).