Usual new year post like every other blog

Well it’s another new year, and like other blogs, and myself at the start of a new year I feel compelled to write a post with my thoughts for 2009.

So I already have some plans for the coming year.

Firstly in the next few days I should have my new USA Technician Callsign. I will then apply for a Vanity call as I know which one I want.

I am saving some money in the form of Thomas Cook vouchers so I can hopefully get to Dayton in May. Adam WY4N has offered to pay for the hotel room (and his guests help with a small monetary donation, which is cool to me). Also need to save some spending money.

In the next few days I should be getting my newly purchased Yaesu FT-817. OK, it’s only 5w, but if at the time years ago I couldn’t have afforded the FT-897 I would have got the FT-817. I guess I have always wanted one.

Now, D-Star??? I was thinking about getting a D-Star radio, but as it’s still in it’s infancy I will leave this technology for now. Maybe later in the year I might look at this again, but for now D-Star is not for me.

Finally before I go some websites I am working on or am hosting, please check em out:-

And many more!

Have a Happy new Year, and keep reading.

July Update

Not got a great deal to specifically right about, but thought I would write about a few different things here.

Firstly, my friend jw has started a blog jw³ otherwise known as “jw’s cube on this interweb thing…”. Welcome to the world of Blogging jw.

Also made a few changes to my blog.

  • Twitter Feed added
  • Debt Free Countdown updated
  • Updated WordPress to version 2.6

Will be adding some photos soon from my short trip to Isle of Wight. Don’t think I took many, but I had fun drinking 3 out of 4 evenings with my Dad. I came back early as the day I was planning to return there was torrential rain. Glad I left early.

I know this is short, but hopefully next post will be a bit longer.

Boxing Day?

How did Boxing Day get it’s name?

Was it Throwing all Rubbish in a Box from Christmas Day?

A Boxing Match put on on day after Christmas day?

Or Something Else?

The holiday Boxing Day may get it’s name from the 19th century English custom of giving Christmas boxes containing food or money to family servants and suppliers, the day after Christmas.

Another possibility is Boxing Day may have come from the opening of church poor boxes that day.

The most basic understanding is that gifts, or boxes, were given to those who were less fortunate, on the day after Christmas, while gifts to those with equal standing were given on Christmas day.

It is also known as, the Feast of St. Stephen, or St. Stephen’s Day – the first Christian martyr.

It is most often celebrated in Australia, Britain, New Zealand, and Canada on December 26.

Although it is a statutory holiday in these countries it is not celebrated as such. Most countries host Boxing Day sales on that day which have little or nothing to do with the holiday at all.

Isle Of Wight Soon

* * Isle of Wight * * Well it’s not long now (Tuesday) that I will be off to the Isle of Wight. I shall be going down to stay with my grandparents the day before and they will take me down to Portsmouth on Tuesday.

I has been a while since I last went down and I am looking forward to seeing my Dad who lives on the Island and also my friends who I am still in contact with like Tammi!

If possible I will still blog whilst I am there, although I don’t think I will be able to post any photos whilst I am away, but if I can I will.

Whilst I am away it will be my Dads birthday, but I am not sure what to get him (last year I got him a Mobile phone). I may take him out for the night and we both love our Real Ale.

I am also looking forward to see his motorbike which is a BSA built in the late 1950’s and has been highly customised. The last time I saw the bike it was in pieces as he was unable to get hold of some parts for the engine.

Well thats enough for today!