A week on the bands

It’s been a busy week (for me anyway).

For a while I had the notion in my head “to try to make one contact at least every day”. So since Sunday I have tried.

During most evenings I will have the radio on the 2m calling channel, but do little else in the way of making contacts.

So back to this week. Since Sunday I have made a contact every day, and where possible on HF. This does not include regular local nets.

  • GB2TOL – Sunday was a Special Event station. Was on 2m at the Tower of London.
  • OM7CW – Monday 20m SSB to Slovak Republic
  • HB0/PA0ABM & HB0/N6OX Tuesday 2x 40m SSB to Liechtenstein
  • SZ2TSL – Wednesday 20m SSB to Greece
  • TA3D – Thursday 20m SSB to Turkey
  • LA1VNA – Friday 20SSB to Norway
  • M3WOJ – Saturday’s new contact was slightly different. Was 2m FM, but was first time I had spoken to a Scout I had helped train at local club and was proud to add him to log.

What will the next 7 days bring??? Only the DX gods know the answer to this.

Things moving forward

Since getting back from the Isle of Wight the site I run with Pete (M3PHP) called PrettyGoodProjects has been moving lots of it’s projects forward.

Recently we have posted some updates on the site about DXAnywhere and a new simple What’s my IP service.

Also our (current) main site Hamtests.co.uk is doing very well. As I write this we have 899 members and are making money with Google Adsense at the last count about $112.98 (USD) (£57.30 (GBP)). Hamtests.co.uk is not there to make money, but we will use anything we earn to pay for server costs.