I’ve finally sorted out a setup so I can operate from home. I know it’s been a while, 18 months from my reckoning.
On Sunday after returning from a nice coffee locally I thought was time to sort my antenna and radio out.
I collected from the garage my MFJ 1788x and the speaker stand I have for it and setup in the bedroom.

I soon had it setup and decided that between my Yaesu FT-897D and FT-817ND the latter would be better due to space issues on desk for now.

After much cursing I gave up on HF, and setup my small 2/70cm antenna and was working a couple of stations through a local repeater GB3NS about 7 miles North of me. Thanks to M3NLN and G6LTT.
The HF tuning issue I’ll look into tonight, but I suspect I had the old curse of the 2 antenna sockets to blame and believe I was on the front socket in error. I’ll hopefully know this evening.