Aside from drinking a few beers, been to some interesting lectures at HFC. In Morning was a talk by Mike McGirr K9AJ and a DXpedition to 2 IOTA islands in Canada. Then sat in bar area for few hours chatting and going over some revision with Dave Bowman GØMRF.

After lunch, went to a talk “3Y0X Peter 1 Island Expedition, Bob Allphin K4UEE”. It was an excellent presentation and numerous times had the room in fits of laughter.

I also picked up (finally) a Yaesu CD-24 charger (which I actually paid for earlier in week to make sure Martin Lynch brought with them) for my FT-897D. OK, so I still think the price for it was steep, but not many other options and I saved on postage.

Tomorrow have Exam in Morning and then more propping up the Bar as I know at least 2 Whitton ARG members who are going. Soon be time for sleep, but must run through the QADV software a few more times before bed.

Have taken a few photos at the 2006 HFC, and you can find in my HFC06 Photo Gallery. Not much there at moment as didn’t take many on day one.

Will try to get some more on Sunday after Exam, but if you have any you want hosted, let me know and I can either upload for you (they can be emailed) or I can setup an upload account.