Happy New Year

Now that 2006 draws to a close, I would like to wish all my readers a Happy New Year.

In the last few months posts were a bit lacking, but who knows what 2007 will bring. If this blog is lacking in posts, please try my Ham Radio Blog at www.MØTZO.co.uk.

Happy New Year

Well already 2007 plans for Ham Radio activities are forming. OK, maybe not a great big DXpedition, but certainly taking part in CQ WPX & CQWW (SSB)

So as 2006 draws to a close, I would like to wish all my readers a Happy New Year.

May 2007 bring that much needed QSL card or DXpedition you need.

73 de MØTZO für 2006

New iMac

Well actually second-hand, but new for me.

Have just finshed adding the new OS to an iMac that has been given to me. OK, it’s a few years old and is only 500MHz, but is faster than my old G3 Mac running at 350MHz.

Before loading the MacOSX 10.4 Tiger, I had come to an agreement with the relative who gave me the computer that I would replace and return the HardDrive. This was so he could get anything he may want back, and I would start afresh.

I started with a seach on the internet and found some 120GiB drives, but although the price (about £35) was good, most of these cheap companies I hadn’t heard of. On Friday I finished work earlier than normal and I went into the town in search of a IDE drive. I was looking for a max size of 120GiB as the iMac won’t utilise bigger drives.

I ended up going to Maplin and getting an 80GiB drive, which although was £50 had some good points. Was in stock. I had the money.

So after getting home from my Radio Club, it took about 40 minutes to install the drive. It was then a few hours to install the OS and moving some files over from old computer and downloading updates and some programs I regularly use.

Well it’s now 04:15am and am more or less finished for what I can do tonight as need sleep.

6-BTV has arrived

OK, in case of problems or I jinxed it didn’t mention before, but I recently ordered a Hustler 6-BTV.

I was going to use a well know UK outlet, but a check the day before on eBay turned up on for a lot less and still New in Box.

So I brought on BuyItNow and (finally) arrived whilst I was at work on Monday.

The seller was among the best I have dealt with on eBay. But was let down by Business Post.

Was going to write full Business Post drama, but lets just say was terrible service, and website.

Anyway, back to antenna. In new year will get the DXEngineering Tilt Base Kit so don’t have to keep antenna up all the time.

Christmas Shopping

As usual, I have only just started my Christmas shopping with less than week to go.

I tried to get some idea of wait they wanted, but in the end it’s vouchers. Partly because I couldn’t be more creative, and partly it’s actually something they suggested when unable to think of better gift ideas.

I love and have the idea of gift vouchers.
Love that recipient can get something they want. Also wrapping is easy.
Hate that I couldn’t think of something suitable for them.