Raspberry Pi Updates

I am going to upgrade my broadband with VirginMedia soon, and tonight I spent a few hours setting up using the SuperHub and retiring my old Fon 2.0n router.

This of course caused some issues on my network, but was to expected. Most was sorted by setting the Wifi SSID and Password the same as old router.

The more taxing issue was sorting my 3 Raspberry Pi (Original Pi B, Pi 2 and a Pi 3). They all have static IP address.

Basically I had to change the IP range the Superhub as using from default. Then as the SuperHub had a different DNS address, I decided after some research on how to update the Raspberry Pi to use OpenDNS on them.

Editing with “sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf” the DNS line was amended as follows:

static domain_name_servers=

I finished of the evening updating all 3 Raspberry Pis and wrote this short post.

On a side note, we’re paying around £80 for Phone & Broadband, plus whatever Sky costs. I’m going to use VirginMedia again for all 3 services and even with added movie channels will only be paying around £65 and increased Broadband speed (from about 20Mbps (tested speed) to 200Mbps hopefully on new contract. Sometimes it pays to shop around.

Slingbox, the best Gadget ever

Slingbox ClassicThat may seem to be a big statement, and I have only had the Slingbox a week or two and wouldn’t want to get rid of it now.

So what is the Slingbox?? It’s a device that can stream your TV over local network and the internet, even on a PDA or phone (mobile software costs £20 currently).

Cable or Satellite boxes?? No problem.
DVD, Video, Hardisk Players/Recorders?? No problem.
Digital TV?? No problem. (not on Solo)
High Definition TV?? No Problem. (not on Classic)

Why did I choose the Slingbox?? I purchased a Video Sender prior to this and as operated on 2.4GHz interence was caused by my Wifi. Also couldn’t change channels as VirginMedia (ex-Telewest) remote uses IRDA signals.

It soon went back to the shop I purchased it from and eBayed a Buy-It-Now Slingbox Classic for £75.00. Bargain.

The photo is of my Slingbox in situ with a DVD temporarily above it to show it’s size.

I currently have a Cable Box and DVD player connected (although one cable for sound has to be manually changed if I switch via the software), and a Digital TV freeview antenna.

If you have local network at home, Cat5 or Wifi, I would advise to look at the Slingbox as a seriously cool Gadget. Visit the Slingmedia home page www.slingmedia.com.